AG Inflammatory Skin Disease and Cancer (Sondermann)

Little is known about the impact of inflammatory skin diseases such as psoriasis and the use of anti-inflammatory therapies on the outcome of patients with cancer such as malignant melanoma. Both the immunological status of the patient and the effect of anti-inflammatory therapies (e.g. biological therapies especially with monoclonal antibodies) that the patient is receiving or has received in the past may play a role.

This question is of great importance for daily clinical practice. On the one hand, with a prevalence of 2-3%, psoriasis is one of the most common inflammatory dermatoses in the western world. On the other hand, psoriasis can be aggravated by anti-cancer immunotherapy or can develop for the first time during immunotherapy.

Using a translational approach, our group is investigating whether chronic inflammation influences the growth and response to therapy of malignant melanoma and whether systemic anti-psoriatic therapy is safe in the presence of melanoma.

PD Dr. med.
Wiebke Sondermann

Leitende Oberärztin,
Fachärztin für Haut- und Geschlechtskrankheiten

Andrea Kutritz


Marina Suslo